Friday, July 23, 2010


Village tourism has been emerged as a very new cocept in the Nepalese tourism industry. Nepal is normally popular in the world for the adventure travel, white water rafting and great jungle safari, staying at the specially built resorts or the self pitched tents. A brand new concept of village tourism where the guests - YOU would be taken to the carefully picked up village where you would be given the chances to know the local people, their culture by allowing them to stay on one of the house as a family member. A few guest room and kitchen are developed without disturbing the village environment. Villages continue their daily normal works and guests enjoy participating in the village activities. As you would be staying as a family member with your host family, you can participate in all activities of their daily choirs.

The friendly and hearty behaviors of the family members gives you a different experience that you have never enjoyed before. You have the chance to eat the traditional local food prepared in the neat and clean kitchen, which are delicious and are hygienic.

The tour gives you the chances to explore the real villages unlike having spent short time in different villages on trek. Your accomodation is in an actual home, allowing you to feel the cross-cultural exchange in the more authentic way unlike staying at the local lodge filled with other backpackers. You will be observing the real Nepalese cultural tradition from the closest quarter and intermingle with the locals. Besides, any expenses made at that level directly contribute to the welfare of the local community, which ultimately gives you the high sense of satisfaction.

Village Tours are normally conducted in Sirubari, Bandipur, Kakani and Gorkha. And Adventure Silk Road is operating the tour in other parts of Nepal too at the Chepang Village, Ghalegaun Village, Gorkha Village, Dhading Village, Lumbini Village, Balnthali Village.


Village tourism has comes as a new thought in the Nepalese tourism industry. Nepal is popular for the adventure travel, white water rafting and great jungle safari. This concept of village tourism where the guests - YOU would be taken to the carefully selected village where you would be given the chances to know the local people, their culture by allowing them to stay on one of the house as a family member. A few guest room and kitchen are developed without disturbing the village environment. Villagers continue their daily normal works and guests enjoy participating in the village activities. As you would be staying as a family member with your host family, you can participate in all activities of their daily life.

The friendly and hearty behaviors of the family members gives you a different experience that you have never enjoyed before. You have the chance to eat the traditional local food prepared in the neat and clean kitchen, which are delicious and are hygienic.

The tour gives you the chances to explore the real villages unlike having spent short time in different villages on trek. Your accommodation is in an actual home, allowing you to feel the cross-cultural exchange in the more authentic way unlike staying at the local lodge filled with other backpackers. You will be observing the real Nepalese cultural tradition from the closest quarter and intermingle with the locals. Besides, any expenses made at that level directly contribute to the welfare of the local community, which ultimately gives you the high sense of satisfaction.

Austravel & Tours Nepal Pvt. Ltd. is proud to be your organizer for the below mention village tour:

List of our selected village:

•Chepang Village Tour Nepal
•Ghalegoun Village Tour Nepal
•Dhading Village Tour Nepal


Temple and Tiger Tour
There are only few countries exist in the world as fascinating as Nepal. From the worlds highest mountain to huge collection of delightful culture, exquisite Temples, Stupas, century old monuments and thundering mountain Rivers as well as lush green forest in the southern plain are making their home within its small territory. Temple and Tiger tour is specially designed to promote Nepal Tourism Year 2011 campaign & accompanied with an excursion to culture and heritage of Kathmandu, where people used to say every next house is Temple or monument and every stone is symbol of god. After a remarkable journey to Kathmandu, we heads to thick tropical Elephant back Jungle Safari at Chitwan National Park to spot one Horne Asian Rhino & Tiger. It is home to dozens of endangered big and small mammals including the one horned Rhinoceros, Royal Bengal Tiger, the wild Elephant and hundreds of species of birds. It is one of the most famous game parks in the Asia offering one and only Elephant race and Elephant Polo in the world. Truly this is “Africa in the Asia” for unlimited wildlife experience.


Nepal Tourism Year 2011

After successful example of Visit Nepal Year 1998, the government of Nepal has decided to lunch a national tourism campaign as “Nepal Tourism Year 2011” in consultation with private sector, tourism entrepreneur and media partners. This mega campaign has initiated as a common goal of all concern sector to take Nepal’s tourism potentiality in to the new height.

Nepal is widely famous for adventure tourism activities among the visitors from around the world. Almost a million visitors turn to Nepal to perceive the miraculous mountains each year. Though, mountains are the prime attractions of Nepal, there are still bunch of things unexplored in the different corner of the country. The unparallel culture, art, landscape, ethnic etiquettes and bio diversity of the country allure thousands of visitors time and again.

Keeping in vision to taking Nepal’s profuse tourism opportunity in to the new height, Nepal Tourism Year 2011 campaign focused not only for already existed international market but also to generate domestic tourism culture. In a bid to make this noble national campaign a grand success: the government has allotted sufficient fund to enhance infrastructures; such as expanding airport facilities, searching new trekking routs, promotional activities in the external / internal markets, preparing more human resources and making conducive environment for the investors.

Austravel & Tours Nepal express its utmost commitment towards this nation building campaign and invites all our partners, guests, friends, colleagues and well wishers to come up and join hand with us by their respective capacity. This is a sheer opportunity to contribute the nation.

Objectives of Campaign:

•Establish Nepal as a choice of premier holiday destination with a definite brand image.
•Improve and extend tourism related infrastructures in existing and new destinations
•Enhance the capacity of service providers.
•Boost community capacity in the new areas to cater the need of the visitors.
•Promote domestic tourism for sustainable growth of the industry.
Campaign Targets:

•Achieve one million international visitors
•Encouraging more investment on tourism infrastructures
•Maintain the record of domestic tourism.


Prospectus of Nepal Tourism Year 2011

Government of Nepal in consultation with Nepalese travel trade sector and concerned organizations/experts decided on October 25, 2008 to launch a national tourism campaign "Nepal Tourism Year 2011". This announcement reflects the government’s anticipation to bring into Nepal at least one million international tourists by the year 2011 and tourism industry’s exigency to organize a tourism promotion campaign for wider impact.

With the badge of adventure destination glittering and the adage “Atithi Devo Bhava” (Guests are Gods) embedded in our culture, the portfolio of tourism products never cease to mesmerize the visitors. The unparallel cultural, geographical, ethnic and bio diversities of the country allure visitors to Nepal time and again which truly substantiates the spirit of Nepal tourism brand ‘Naturally Nepal, once is not enough !'

The concept of Nepal Tourism Year 2011 envisions harnessing these opportunities and strengths and bringing together the commitment of the government, expertise and experiences of the organizations like Nepal Tourism Board, aptitude and dynamism of the private sector and communities for further tourism development in the country. Representation and active participation from the major political parties, members of the Constitution Assembly and Right groups is always taken into prominence in order to make the campaign inclusive and participatory in modus operandi and effective in result. The campaign will also focus on mobilizing the networks of the Non-Resident Nepalis (NRN) communities, Nepalese diplomatic missions abroad, INGOs and NGOs, airlines and national and international media. Similarly, friends and well-wishers of Nepal, tourism academicians and celebrities will be approached in order to highlight the campaign internally as well as internationally.