Monday, December 28, 2009

A Short Description on Shuklaphanta Wildlife Reserve

Shuklaphanta Wildlife Reserve is located in the far- western lowland Terai of Nepal. The pristine sub-tropical jungle makes Shuklaphanta Nepal’s second largest wildlife reserve in Terai. It covers an area of 305 sq. km. in Kanchanpur district. The open grasslands and numerous waterholes of the park extend into a vast expanse of plain grasslands and Sal forests, while marsh vegetation is found along rivers and lakes. The reserve that was originally a hunting area was later converted to wildlife reserve to protect swamp deer. There serve now shelters for almost 2,000 swamp deer, around 50 wild elephants and 30 tigers. Other animals found here are spotted deer, blue bulls, barking deer, hog deer, wild boars, leopards, jackals, langurs and rhesus monkeys. Among birds the reserve provides habitat to sarus crane, swamp francolin, grass owl, warblers, flycatchers and the endangered Bengal florican. Reptile species include marsh mugger, crocodile, cobra and python. Travelers enjoy here viewing the wildlife by sitting on the elephant-back. Many jungle lodges are available here to fulfill the different needs of the travelers.

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